Create the impact that you want to see in your organisation by investing in individuals and teams. We can support your team to maximise their performance and retain quality within your organisation. We deliver a combination of programme design, delivery, consulting and team days. We support individuals to maximise their impact, improve communication, build personal confidence and enhance relationships.


Bespoke Leadership Training

We work with you to create a learning and development journey based on your unique needs and goals.

Our bespoke programmes can be delivered flexibly – with online and in-person learning options – and your teams will have access to our online resource centre, with ILM accreditation options available.


We can use our tested leadership experienced to work with you to identify skills gaps, training needs and a sustainable way forward to create robust, trusting teams.

Team Building Days

We can deliver training and foster action-based learning in a fun, relaxed environment that focuses on trust and strengthening networks.

Why work with us?

At Amodigo, we believe in action-based learning. Instead of theoretical problems or scenarios, we guide your teams to challenge themselves to identify solutions to real-time issues, and champion best-practice. Together we create actionable projects that enhance your company’s performance.

Our programmes focus on empowering teams to share knowledge: enhancing networks and relationships within your company.

We are not just professional trainers: we are leaders ourselves with a passion for developing others and providing excellent training provision.

Feedback from our learners

“Making a conscious effort to listen and use coaching techniques.”

“Improved listening skills. I am using coaching to get more out of my team and wider teams I work with.”

“Actually considering myself as a leader and recognising the impact I can have.”

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