Tom Beardsley

Introducing Tom Beardsley

We are thrilled to introduce Tom.  Tom worked as an intern for 3Pillars Project before joining Amodigo. He is also an Administrative Officer for a Member of Parliament and has just completed his Master’s in International Security & Terrorism at the University of Nottingham.

Why did you join the Amodigo team?

I always strive to embrace new, exciting challenges to give myself opportunities to learn new skills and become a future leader. With many past opportunities I have experienced the rewarding pleasure of creating meaningful change in people’s lives. I felt an immediate attachment to Amodigo’s vision to deliver meaningful training in leadership and believed my values aligned to the business’s culture. I appreciated the team’s approachable and caring outlook in the workplace, their immediate warmth made me feel comfortable in Amodigo’s working environment. The teams’ wide range of wisdom and experience stimulated my curiosity to further understand human performance in business.

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership means different things to me. Firstly, I believe it involves developing yourself and others around you. Great leaders have a way of supporting others and making them more productive and effective. It is important to spot the potential of each individual member and support their growth by encouraging each person to develop their talent and potential. You put your team first, both as individuals and as a group, and make the realisation of their potential your priority. Secondly, I believe leadership influences consistency in performance. Leadership is the accomplishment of goals through leading and guiding colleagues. Therefore, leadership requires an individual who is trusted and respected to successfully perform day after day, year after year, in a wide variety of circumstances.

How do you deal with mental resilience?

Experience in a diverse range of workplace environments has certainly helped me to learn to accept feedback in a positive manner. My initial response is not to rush to react to feedback. Understanding of self-affirmation helps us to understand ourselves and adapt to experiences that can sometimes feel threatening and personal. Taking a few minutes to reflect and remember other important aspects of our identity helps to reduce a strong response and be more welcoming to critical feedback. I find football to be a part of my identity that helps to bring positive thinking and future optimism. This reasoning has strengthened my capability to manage situations mentally and emotionally in the workplace.


What has your career to date taught you?

Without wishing to sound clichéd, I believe that putting your full effort and attention into everything you do returns immense reward. With every opportunity I have always strived to perform to the best of my ability and represent the business to the highest level of professionalism. An enthusiastic and passionate mindset will grant you respect and admiration from people around you. The more time you invest in doing the right things to the best of your ability, the more accomplished and satisfied both yourself and your colleagues will feel. Without hard work, it is not possible to stand out and achieve something that you have always wanted.