Enhancing Leadership through Coaching and Mentoring

Completing an ambitious innovation project with Welsh Educational Leadership Academy, Amodigo is proud to see 8 promising leaders in the sector complete our pioneering ILM Level 5 Coaching & Mentoring course. 

The programme saw students develop their experience of coaching through supervised experience and a fully accredited assessment process. 

Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. 100% of respondents felt more professionally competent as a result of completing this course.

“It was great to increase my knowledge about mentoring and coaching through practice, and meet similar professionals in the field. I also benefited from spending time with experienced coaches.”

“Having personal supervision was a huge source of development for me, and being able to meet peers who I am still in touch with.”

The confidence gained through completing the course has wide reaching impact. Not just for the students. Those they coach, their teams and organisations benefit reap the rewards.