Counselling Skills for Managers: Enhancing Leadership Through Effective Communication

This Wednesday, the 28th of June we are holding a webinar based around Counselling Skills for Managers: Enhancing Leadership Through Effective Communication

After the amazing feedback we received after our Managing Anxiety Webinar last month, we are pleased to announce we will be running another free webinar next week. 

Our key pointers will be on confidence building and how we handrail the framing of those conversations if someone comes to you with a mental health concern or a significant issue. 

In today’s dynamic work environment, effective communication and empathetic support are crucial for successful leadership. This webinar will provide you with practical counselling techniques and skills that can be applied immediately in your managerial role. Tough conversations can be daunting, but we will explore how to start conversations and draw out information tactfully, mindful of wellbeing and personal safety. Have the confidence to identify goals and collaboratively problem solve, or simply listen with compassion and empathy.

We tackle these difficult subjects in aid of mental health week as people who specialise in team performance. We know the the value of team awareness and the difference some nurturing can make. 

Join us for a transformative 30-minute webinar designed specifically for leaders and managers: offering a concise yet impactful session to enhance your communication and coaching abilities.

During this session, Sarah will guide you through key topics, including active listening, empathy, and asking powerful questions. You will learn how to create a supportive environment where your team members feel heard, understood, and motivated. By cultivating these counselling skills, you will strengthen your leadership approach and empower your team to thrive.

Date: Wednesday 28th June

Time: 1pm BST

Sign Up Link: Register here.