Meet the team

Our Story

Amodigo began after the company’s founder Mike Crofts was asked to support an international project in 2018. This sparked a realization of the impact that could be made by drawing on his military background and experince working with some of the most isolated in society through 3Pillars Project. Mike saw an opportunity to bring meaningful change to individuals and organizations.

Driven by a desire to create positive social and professional impact, Mike recognized the need for high-quality training and upskilling that truly made a difference. This led to the establishment of Amodigo, a purpose-led leadership practice dedicated to enhancing team performance and fostering meaningful change in people’s lives.

Since its inception, Amodigo has grown to become a trusted partner for leading corporate clients.. Through a team of exceptional coaches and associates, Amodigo delivers programs that develop leadership skills, promote well-being, and build resilience.

Amodigo’s commitment to empowering individuals and organizations is exemplified by the aim to equip others with the tools and mindset to thrive in today’s dynamic and challenging business environment. Amodigo continues to strive for excellence, helping individuals at all levels of an organization unleash their potential as better leaders, positively influencing culture, and driving sustainable success.


Founder & CEO
Mike founded the charity, 3Pillars Project, in 2015, mentoring and supporting young people to leave prison. This inspired him to share his insights to leadership and human performance through Amodigo. Before Amodigo and 3Pillars, Mike was in the British Army for 8 years.


Business Development Executive
Ellie is a professional dancer, having trained for 8 years at The Royal Ballet School. She is currently performing in The Phantom of the Opera on the West End. Ellie joins Amodigo as a business development analyst, helping to run and lead classes for the Human Performance aspect of our programme.


Programme Development Specialist
Amy is a Sports Science & Physiology graduate and a trained secondary science and PE teacher. Amy leads Amodigo's Human Performance programme, her combination of sports science expertise and people development truly fits with our emphasis on expert holistic delivery.


Operations Manager
Sarah is a training professional with extensive leadership and management delivery experience. She has training experience delivering numerous programmes for online deliverer Seedl, and previously working on the Marketing team at CSM sports.

Our Values


Dedication to culture that creates a sustainable future. Our clients experience this through our passion and commitment to their development.


A team of leaders empowered and trusted to create the best solutions for our partners.


Committed to unlock the potential that leads to exceptional human performance

Our Associates

We are fortunate to work with a raft of experienced and talented individuals that support our coaching and training programmes. Each person brings something wonderful, diverse and exciting to support our clients. 

Hannah Baumer

Dr Hannah Baumer

Dr Hannah Baumer has a PhD in Forensic Psychology from Royal Holloway University. A member of the Research and Evidence Group for the Alliance of Sport, Hannah’s research interests include theories of motivation, masculinity, and the use of sport to promote behavioural change in prisons and community settings. Hannah currently leads a number of research projects and has extensive experience leading on programme design within the private and public sector.
Milka Fisiher

Milka Fisiha

With a breadth of experience in people development, Milka is an invaluable member of our Associate team. Milka has particular experience supporting communities and individuals facing significant challenges, this has included work in multiple prisons as well as working with victims of all crime. Milka has a background in Psychology, Forensic Psychology and uses psychological approaches in mentoring to underpin her ability to engage people. 
Steve Metcalf

Steve Metcalf

Steve is a leading mental health and resilience trainer – with 33 years British Army experience.  He rose from Trooper to become a Lieutenant Colonel and commander of the London Rehabilitation Unit. Steve is an expert trainer in Mental Health First Aid and ASIST suicide prevention courses, he currently trains media companies, NHS, Ministry of Justice, JustEat, WeWork and the Foreign Office.
Niall MacSweeney

Nial MacSweeney

An expert in physical development and performance, Niall adds significant knowledge to Amodigo’s Human and Physical Performance work.  As head of strength and conditioning coach at the Royal Ballet School, Niall notably led work investigating the link between the adolescent growth spurt and injury risk. Niall also works as a Physical Performance coach at the Football Association in their female player performance pathway. As a former semi-professional rugby player Niall is also a qualified coach.
Will Mclay

Will Mclay

A former Sergeant Major and Royal Army Physical Training Instructor, Will is an expert fitness instructor. In addition to expertise in Physical and Human Performance, Will delivers extensive resilience development advice, consultancy and programme development. As well as working with Amodigo Founder Mike Crofts in the British Army, Will was a founder coach of 3Pillars Project and was critical to supporting the early days of the charity.