3 Lessons of Leadership from the FIFA World Cup

1) Get everyone behind a common goal:

The World Cup is one of the most prestigious football tournaments. It requires a combination of effort, skill, and talent to win. The teams are made up of the best players in the world, each excelling in their own unique way. However, the games are not about showcasing personal abilities: players must coordinate their efforts to achieve a tournament win.

At work, it is essential that our personal goals be aligned with organisational goals. It is crucial for those in a position of leadership to direct the efforts of employees towards a unified purpose.

2) Accept victory and defeat with grace:

When you win, accept it graciously and appreciate the opponent for their efforts and good performance. Conversely, if you lose, know that failure is the best teacher, so take-stock and reevaluate your plan.

It is imperative for managers to support their team during all highs and lows. Instilling resilience is crucial for morale and maintaining momentum.

3) Learn from your own – and others – mistakes:

Mistakes – whether made by you, your team, or your competitors – are inevitable, so it is essential own them and learn from them, and if it wasn’t your mistake: be gracious and empathetic.

Sport is a fine example of discipline, creativity, teamwork, failure, sportsmanship, and so much more. It is imperative to have a sportsman spirit in life – both personal and professional – and although this World Cup has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons, sport, at its core, is still something that brings people together and is a celebration of human performance: what we can achieve when selflessly work together for that shared goal. 

FIFA world cup leadership lessons thrive team goal victory mistakes